Monday, January 24, 2011


14 new organizations/people contacted in the past couple of days.  Hopefully some things will start panning out.  It's a frustrated process, trying to convince people to even respond to your email or phone call, let alone actually it down with you for an interview.

If I don't have some responses in the next couple of days, it'll be time for some to hit the streets.  Many of the organizations I'm interested in are located relatively close to each other, on the north(ish) side of Chicago, so it might behoove me to just hop on my bike and pay some in-person visits.

April, April, April.  How is this going to happen?  I'm trying to fight the fear paralysis by just doing more and more outreach, more and more Google searches for variations of "teens", "youth", "art", "social justice", "community building", "activism"....   I've traded a deep sense of dread for a middling sense of dread mixed with frustration.  Good trade?  Surely.

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