Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sticking Points pt 2

Sticking Points:

1.  Does anyone care about this except me?
2.  "You sure didn't pick a very sexy project, did you?  Very nuts and bolts, huh?"
3.  Why won't you respond to my emails?  Is it okay to call you?
4.  I'm so. Far. Behind.
5.  Will this have any effect on my ability to work in this field when I graduate? ... a negative effect??
6.  There's so much I don't know or have.  Where do I start?
7.  There's so much I know and have.  Where do I start?
8.  I want to contribute to the field.
9.  I want to be proud of my final product.
10.  This feels really hard.

"Sometimes things feel hard because they are hard."  After remembering that, I'm in a better position to decide if this hard thing is worth doing, and I'm deciding yes.

More emails out.  More searching.  More writing, soon.  Much, much more.

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